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Estimation of anisotropy of mechanical properties in Mg alloys by means of compressive creep tests

  1. 1.
    SYSNO ASEP0310261
    Document TypeJ - Journal Article
    R&D Document TypeJournal Article
    Subsidiary JOstatní články
    TitleEstimation of anisotropy of mechanical properties in Mg alloys by means of compressive creep tests
    TitlePosouzení anizotropie mechanických vlastností Mg slitin pomocí creepových zkoušek v tlaku
    Author(s) Dobeš, Ferdinand (UFM-A) RID, ORCID
    Peréz, P. (ES)
    Milička, Karel (UFM-A)
    Garcés, G. (ES)
    Adeva, P. (ES)
    Source TitleProblemy pročnosti (Strength of Materials) - ISSN 0556-171X
    -, č. 1 (2008), s. 125-128
    Number of pages4 s.
    ActionMSMF /5./
    Event date27.06.2007-29.06.2007
    VEvent locationBrno
    CountryCZ - Czech Republic
    Event typeWRD
    Languageeng - English
    CountryUA - Ukraine
    Keywordsmagnesium ; creep ; composite ; texture
    Subject RIVJI - Composite Materials
    R&D ProjectsGA106/06/1354 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF)
    CEZAV0Z20410507 - UFM-A (2005-2011)
    AnnotationA detailed knowledge of dependence of mechanical properties on orientation in materials prepared by directional processes may present an important factor influencing the design of construction parts. Toward this end, the compressive creep testing of short specimens may be useful. Three different magnesium-based materials were subjected to this testing: (i) pure magnesium, (ii) magnesium matrix composite reinforced with 10 vol.% of titanium, and (iii) magnesium alloy WE54. All three materials were prepared through a powder metallurgical route with final hot extrusion. The specimens for creep tests were cut in such a way that their longitudinal axis (i.e., the direction of compressive creep stress) and the axis of extruded bar contained a predestined angle.
    WorkplaceInstitute of Physics of Materials
    ContactYvonna Šrámková,, Tel.: 532 290 485
    Year of Publishing2009
Number of the records: 1  

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