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Polymerization of 3-ethynylthiophene with homogeneous and heterogeneous Rh catalysts

  1. 1.
    SYSNO ASEP0309484
    Document TypeJ - Journal Article
    R&D Document TypeJournal Article
    Subsidiary JČlánek ve WOS
    TitlePolymerization of 3-ethynylthiophene with homogeneous and heterogeneous Rh catalysts
    TitlePolymerizace 3-ethynylthiophenenu s homogenním a heterogenním Rh catalyzátorem
    Author(s) Svoboda, J. (CZ)
    Sedláček, J. (CZ)
    Zedník, J. (CZ)
    Dvořáková, G. (CZ)
    Trhlíková, O. (CZ)
    Rédrová, D. (CZ)
    Balcar, Hynek (UFCH-W) RID, ORCID
    Vohlídal, J. (CZ)
    Source TitleJournal of Polymer Science. Part A - Polymer Chemistry. - : WILEY-BLACKWELL - ISSN 0887-624X
    Roč. 46, č. 8 (2008), s. 2776-2787
    Number of pages12 s.
    Languageeng - English
    CountryUS - United States
    Keywordscatalysis ; conjugated polymers ; organometallic catalysts ; polyacetylenes
    Subject RIVCF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry
    R&D ProjectsKAN100500652 GA AV ČR - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AV ČR)
    GA203/05/2194 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF)
    GD203/03/H140 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF)
    GD203/08/H032 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF)
    CEZAV0Z40400503 - UFCH-W (2005-2011)
    UT WOS000254978600018
    Annotation3-Ethynylthiophene (3ETh) was polymerized with Rh(I) complexes: [Rh(cod)acac], [Rh(nbd)acac], [Rh(cod)Cl](2), and [Rh(nbd)Cl](2) (cod is eta(2):eta(2)-cycloocta-1,5-diene and nbd eta(2) :eta(2)-norborna-2,5-diene), used as homogeneous catalysts and with the last two complexes anchored on mesoporous polybenzimidazole (PBI) beads: [Rh(cod)Cl](2)/PBI and [Rh(nbd)Cl](2)/PBI used as heterogeneous catalysts. All tested catalyst systems give high-cis poly(3ETh). In situ NMR study of homogeneous polymerizations induced with [Rh(cod)acac] and [Rh(nbd)acac] complexes has revealed: (i) a transformation of acac ligands into free acetylacetone (Hacac) occurring since the early stage of polymerization, which suggests that this reaction is part of the initiation, (ii) that the initiation is rather slow in both of these polymerization systems, and (iii) a release of cod ligand from [Rh(cod)acac] complex but no release of nbd ligand from [Rh(nbd)acac] complex during the polymerization.
    WorkplaceJ. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry
    ContactMichaela Knapová,, Tel.: 266 053 196
    Year of Publishing2009
Number of the records: 1  

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