Number of the records: 1
Liquid Crystalline Benzothiophene Derivatives
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SYSNO 0309133 Title Liquid Crystalline Benzothiophene Derivatives Title Kapalně-krystalické deriváty benzothiofenu Author(s) Kurfűrst, M. (CZ)
Kozmík, V. (CZ)
Svoboda, J. (CZ)
Novotná, Vladimíra (FZU-D) RID, ORCID, SAI
Glogarová, Milada (FZU-D) RID, ORCIDSource Title Liquid Crystals. Roč. 35, č. 1 (2008), s. 21-31. - : Taylor & Francis Document Type Článek v odborném periodiku Grant GA202/05/0431 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) IAA100100710 GA AV ČR - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AV ČR) CEZ AV0Z10100520 - FZU-D (2005-2011) Language eng Country GB Keywords liquid crystals * benzothiophene * nematic phase * smectic phase Permanent Link
Number of the records: 1