Number of the records: 1
Pressure-Driven Microfluidics
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SYSNO 0307935 Title Pressure-Driven Microfluidics Title Tlakem poháněná mikrofluidika Author(s) Tesař, Václav (UT-L) RID Source Title Engineering Mechanics 2008. S. 1047-1065. - Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2008 / Fuis V. ; Pásek M. Conference Engineering Mechanics 2008, Svratka, 12.05.2008-15.05.2008 Document Type Konferenční příspěvek (zahraniční konf.) Grant GA101/07/1499 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) IAA200760705 GA AV ČR - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AV ČR) CEZ AV0Z20760514 - UT-L (2005-2011) Language eng Country CZ Keywords fluidika * ventily * proudění Permanent Link
Number of the records: 1