Number of the records: 1
Distribution and Speciation of Mercury in Mine Waste Dumps
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SYSNO ASEP 0307018 Document Type J - Journal Article R&D Document Type Journal Article Subsidiary J Článek ve WOS Title Distribution and Speciation of Mercury in Mine Waste Dumps Title Distribuce a speciace rtuti v haldách Author(s) Hojdová, Maria (GLU-S) RID, SAI
Navrátil, Tomáš (GLU-S) RID, SAI, ORCID
Rohovec, Jan (GLU-S) RID, SAISource Title Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. - : Springer - ISSN 0007-4861
Roč. 80, č. 3 (2008), s. 237-241Number of pages 5 s. Publication form WWW - WWW Language eng - English Country US - United States Keywords mercury ; mine waste ; mercury speciation ; thermo-desorption analysis Subject RIV DD - Geochemistry R&D Projects KJB300130615 GA AV ČR - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AV ČR) CEZ AV0Z30130516 - GLU-S (2005-2011) UT WOS 000253993500012 EID SCOPUS 40949106790 DOI Annotation We studied occurrence of Hg chemical forms in mine wastes near the Hg mines in the central CR. Waste materials were highly elevated in total Hg concentrations (up to 120 ug.g-1) and contained mostly cinnabar (HgS). Minor part (<14%) of total Hg was identified as mineral surface bound Hg, which might undergo methylation processes and thus it represents potential long-term environmental risk. Workplace Institute of Geology Contact Jana Popelková,, Tel.: 226 800 273 Year of Publishing 2008
Number of the records: 1