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A resampling approach to gender relations: the Rebešovice cemetery

  1. 1.
    0306987 - ÚBO 2008 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Sosna, D. - Galeta, P. - Sládek, Vladimír
    A resampling approach to gender relations: the Rebešovice cemetery.
    [Výzkum genederových vztahů: pohřebište Rebešovice.]
    Journal of Archaeological Science. Roč. 35, č. 2 (2008), s. 342-354. ISSN 0305-4403. E-ISSN 1095-9238
    Grant - others:National Science Foundation(US) BCS0642297
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60930519
    Source of funding: V - Other public resources
    Keywords : Early Bronze Age * Gender inequality * Mortuary practices * Central Europe
    Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology
    Impact factor: 1.779, year: 2008 ; AIS: 0.642, rok: 2008

    This study reports the analysis of mortuary variability at the Early Bronze cemetery Rebešovice in Moravia (Czech Republic) that uses computer-intensive resampling techniques. The results indicate that the most obvious distinctions in burials are vertical social differences that crosscut age and sex. There are only minor differences in the mortuary treatment of women and men. There is neither a qualitative restriction of body treatment and objects buried with men, nor a quantitative emphasis on burials of men. In fact, burials of women are significantly deeper and equipped with a higher number of bronze artifacts. Funerals of women were at least as significant social events as the funerals of men. These findings do not refute the existence of gender-specific activities and roles that may be valued differently, but instead suggest that both women and men had access to resources from which they could draw power.

    Práce se zabývá variabilitou pohřebních zvyklostí na pohřebišti Rebešovice (časná doba Bronzová).
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Number of the records: 1  

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