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Numerical method for the solution of the regulator equation with application to nonlinear tracking
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SYSNO ASEP 0306881 Document Type J - Journal Article R&D Document Type Journal Article Subsidiary J Ostatní články Title Numerical method for the solution of the regulator equation with application to nonlinear tracking Title Numerická metoda řešení regulační rovnice a jeji využití pro nelineární sledování Author(s) Rehák, Branislav (UTIA-B) RID, ORCID
Čelikovský, Sergej (UTIA-B) RID, ORCIDSource Title Automatica. - : Elsevier - ISSN 0005-1098
Roč. 44, č. 5 (2008), s. 1358-1365Number of pages 8 s. Language eng - English Country GB - United Kingdom Keywords nonlinear output regulation ; finite-element method ; optimization Subject RIV BC - Control Systems Theory R&D Projects GP102/07/P413 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) GA102/08/0186 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) CEZ AV0Z10750506 - UTIA-B (2005-2011) Annotation A numerical method to solve the so-called regulator equation is presented here. This equation consists of partial differential equations combined with algebraic ones and arises when solving the output-regulation problem. Solving the regulator equation is becoming difficult especially for the nonminimum phase systems where reducing variables against algebraic part leads to a potentially unsolvable differential part. The proposed numerical method is based on the successive approximation of the differential part of the regulator equation by the finite-element method while trying to minimize a functional expressing the error of its algebraical part. The method is analyzed to obtain theoretical estimates of its convergence and it is tested on an example of the "two-carts with an inverted pendulum" system. Simulations are included to illustrate the suggested approach. Workplace Institute of Information Theory and Automation Contact Markéta Votavová,, Tel.: 266 052 201. Year of Publishing 2008
Number of the records: 1