Number of the records: 1
A contribution to the investigation of mean flow development in the course of a boundary layer bypass transition
- 1.0211071 - UT-L 970060 RIV CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Mazur, Oton - Uruba, Václav - Jonáš, Pavel
A contribution to the investigation of mean flow development in the course of a boundary layer bypass transition.
Dynamika tekutin '97. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 1997, s. 33-34. ISBN 80-85918-29-3.
[Kolokvium Dynamika tekutin '97. Praha (CZ), 21.10.1997-23.10.1997]
R&D Projects: GA ČR 101/96/1996; GA AV ČR IAA2076602; GA MŠMT OC F.1.10
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Number of the records: 1