Number of the records: 1  

Cumulative Damage and its Localization in Concrete: Mesomechanical Model

  1. 1.
    TitleCumulative Damage and its Localization in Concrete: Mesomechanical Model
    Author(s) Kafka, Vratislav (UTAM-F) RID, ORCID, SAI
    Source Title Acta Technica CSAV. Roč. 44, č. 4 (1999), s. 333-348. - : Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, v. v. i.
    Document TypeČlánek v odborném periodiku
    Grant GA103/97/1255 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF)
    Keywords cumulative damage * localization * mesomechanics * concrete
    Permanent Link

Number of the records: 1  

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