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Analogues of arginine vasopressin (AVP) modified in the N-terminal part of the molecule with N-benzylglycine

  1. 1.
    SYSNO ASEP0194434
    Document TypeJ - Journal Article
    R&D Document TypeJournal Article
    Subsidiary JOstatní články
    TitleAnalogues of arginine vasopressin (AVP) modified in the N-terminal part of the molecule with N-benzylglycine
    Author(s) Jastrzebska, B. (PL)
    Derdowska, I. (PL)
    Kunčarová, Pavla (UOCHB-X)
    Slaninová, Jiřina (UOCHB-X)
    Lammek, B. (PL)
    Olejniczak, B. (PL)
    Zabrocki, J. (PL)
    Source TitlePolish Journal of Chemistry - ISSN 0137-5083
    Roč. 76, - (2002), s. 823-830
    Number of pages8 s.
    Languageeng - English
    CountryPL - Poland
    Keywordsarginine vasopressin (AVP)
    Subject RIVCC - Organic Chemistry
    CEZAV0Z4055905 - UOCHB-X
    AnnotationThe synthesis and some pharmacological properties of five new analogues of arginine vasopressin (AVP) substituted with N-benzylglycine are described. The results obtained imply that the structural change studies is in general incompatible with interaction of the analogues with V1A and OT receptor.
    WorkplaceInstitute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ; Kateřina Šperková, Tel.: 232 002 584 ; Jana Procházková, Tel.: 220 183 418
    Year of Publishing2003

Number of the records: 1  

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