Number of the records: 1  

The Analogs of Oxytocin and Vasopressin with a Bulky Amino Acid in Position 2

  1. 1.
    SYSNO ASEP0192174
    Document TypeC - Proceedings Paper (int. conf.)
    R&D Document TypeConference Paper
    TitleThe Analogs of Oxytocin and Vasopressin with a Bulky Amino Acid in Position 2
    Author(s) Procházka, Zdenko (UOCHB-X)
    Slaninová, Jiřina (UOCHB-X)
    Source TitlePeptides 1994. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third European Peptide Symposium / Maia H. L. S.. - Leiden : ESCOM, 1995 - ISBN 90-72199-21-9
    Pagess. 337-338
    ActionPeptides 1994. European Peptide Symposium /23./
    Event date04.09.1994-10.09.1994
    VEvent locationBraga
    CountryPT - Portugal
    Languageeng - English
    CountryNL - Netherlands
    WorkplaceInstitute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ; Kateřina Šperková, Tel.: 232 002 584 ; Jana Procházková, Tel.: 220 183 418
    Year of Publishing1996

Number of the records: 1  

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