Number of the records: 1
Matematicheskoe modelirovanie dinamiki plazmennoi granicy v diodach s magnitnoj izoljaciej dlja generacii bystrych neitronov
- 1.0184489 - UJF-V 980013 RIV RU rus C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Mikhailov, Leonid V. - Ilinskij, A. V.
Matematicheskoe modelirovanie dinamiki plazmennoi granicy v diodach s magnitnoj izoljaciej dlja generacii bystrych neitronov.
Proceedings of the International conference modelling and investigation of systems stability. Dubna: OIJaI, 1997, s. 51.
[Conference modelling and investigation of systems stability. Kiev (RU), 19.05.1997-23.05.1997]
R&D Projects: GA AV ČR KSK1048601
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Number of the records: 1