Number of the records: 1  

Proměny a perspektivy panelových sídlišť ve městech České republiky v letech 1989 ů 1999

  1. 1.
    0182873 - UGN-S 20013050 RIV PL cze C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Kallabová, Eva
    Proměny a perspektivy panelových sídlišť ve městech České republiky v letech 1989 ů 1999.
    [Selected connections of the prefab housing estates development in the cities and towns of the Czech Republic in 1989 ů 1999 years.]
    13. konwersatorium wiedzy o mieĽce. Lodž: Katedra geografii miast i rutyzmu, 2000 - (Jazdzewska, I.; Paradowska, E.; Wosiak, A.), s. 113-120. ISBN 83-87749-27-3.
    [Miasto postsocjalistyczne ů organizacja przestrzeni miejskiej i jej przemiany. Lodž (PL), 13.04.2000-15.04.2000]
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z3086906
    Keywords : prefabbed housing
    Subject RIV: DE - Earth Magnetism, Geodesy, Geography

    Článek se zabývá panelovými sidlišti v České republice.

    In the period 1989-1990, society as well as prefabbed housing estates underwent many changes and ownership, functional, technical and social problems appeared. Thus it is necessary to humanize, regenerate and remodel prefabbed housing estates to create a pleasant, purposefully arranged and safe place for life of inhabitants with vast extent of needed functions and services
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Number of the records: 1  

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