Number of the records: 1
Analysis of long-term monitoring of coal mining-induced seismicity
- 1.0182798 - UGN-S 20013093 RIV FI eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Holub, Karel - Stodulková, S.
Analysis of long-term monitoring of coal mining-induced seismicity.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Automation in Mining ICAMC 2001. Helsinki: Helsinki University of Technology, 2001 - (Firganek, B.), s. 161-168. ISBN 951-22-5615-0.
[International Conference on Automation in Mining/14./. Tampere (FI), 03.09.2001-05.09.2001]
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA105/99/1218
Keywords : induced seismicity * monitoring
Subject RIV: DC - Siesmology, Volcanology, Earth Structure
Mining-induced seismicity in the Ostrava-Karviná Coal Basin (Czech Republic) is continuously monitored by seismographic stations equipped with digital instrumentation. The existing efforts concerning the application of seismic monitoring are oriented to delimitation of seismically active areas, application of preventive measures against rockbursts and checking the efficiency of blasting operations. All these activities have been performed in the frame of geomechanical service and in the regional prognosis have been applied.
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Number of the records: 1