Number of the records: 1
Vibrational Linestrengths for the Ground and First Excited Electronic States of HeH2+
- 1.0181746 - UFCH-W 20030185 RIV DE eng J - Journal Article
Šindelka, Milan - Špirko, Vladimír - Kraemer, W. P.
Vibrational Linestrengths for the Ground and First Excited Electronic States of HeH2+.
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. Roč. 110, č. 3 (2003), s. 170-175. ISSN 1432-881X. E-ISSN 1432-2234
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT LN00A032
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4040901
Keywords : vibrational line strangth * HeH2+ * electric dipole moment surface
Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry
Impact factor: 2.542, year: 2003
Together with recent improved potential-energy surface calculations for the ground (X) and first excited (Ã) electronic states of HeH2 +, the electric dipole moment surfaces for each state and the transition dipole moments connecting the two states were evaluated for the entire range of the energy calculations. Using these functions the linestrengths of all dipole-allowed transitions between the bound vibrational levels within each of the two states (XX) and (ÃÃ) as well as between them (ÃX) are evaluated here. These data are believed to be useful both in the experimental search for the yet unobserved molecular spectra of HeH2 + and in evaluating theoretical rates for the radiative association or photodissociation processes involving the two lowest electronic states of the ion.
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Number of the records: 1