Number of the records: 1
Linear Dimerization of Terminal Alkynes by Bis( tetramethylphenylcyclopentadienyl) Titanium-Magnesium Hydride and Acetylide Complexes
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SYSNO ASEP 0181733 Document Type J - Journal Article R&D Document Type Journal Article Subsidiary J Ostatní články Title Linear Dimerization of Terminal Alkynes by Bis( tetramethylphenylcyclopentadienyl) Titanium-Magnesium Hydride and Acetylide Complexes Author(s) Mach, Karel (UFCH-W) ORCID, RID
Gyepes, R. (CZ)
Horáček, Michal (UFCH-W) RID, ORCID
Petrusová, Lidmila (UFCH-W)
Kubišta, Jiří (UFCH-W) RID, ORCIDSource Title Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications. - : Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR, v. v. i. - ISSN 0010-0765
Roč. 68, č. 10 (2003), s. 1877-1896Number of pages 20 s. Language eng - English Country CZ - Czech Republic Keywords titanium ; alkynes ; hydrides Subject RIV CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry R&D Projects GA203/02/0774 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) GA203/02/0436 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) CEZ AV0Z4040901 - UFCH-W Annotation New phenyltetramethylcyclopentadienyl trinuclear titanocene hydride - magnesium hydride complexes [{Ti(.eta.5-C5Me4R)2(.mu.-H)2}2Mg], where R = Ph (1) or 4-fluorophenyl (FPh, 2), the dinuclear [Ti(.eta.5-C5Me4Ph)[.eta.5:.eta.1{Ti:Mg}-C5Me4(o-C6H4)](.mu.-H)2Mg(THF)2] (3) and [Ti(.eta.5-C5Me4Ph)2(.mu.-H)2MgC(Me)=CHMe] (4) complexes, and the [{Ti(.eta.5-C5Me4Ph)2(.eta.1-CCSiMe3)2}-{MgCl(THF)}+] (5) tweezer complex initiated the dimerization of (trimethylsilyl)ethyne (TMSE) or 1-hexyne (HXNY) to exclusively head-to-tail dimers at 60 C with the turnover number ranging 300 - 500 mol of the alkyne per one mol of the Ti complex. In contrast, all of them were inactive in the dimerization of tert.-butylethyne (TBUE). Monitoring of reactions of the 1 - 5 complexes with the alkynes by electron spin resonance (ESR) method revealed a decay of the initial complexes 1 - 5 in the dimerizing systems with TMSE and HXYN or a conversion of complexes 3,4 and 5. Workplace J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry Contact Michaela Knapová,, Tel.: 266 053 196 Year of Publishing 2004
Number of the records: 1