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Reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generating oxidases in the normal rabbit cornea and their involvement in the corneal damage evoked by UVB rays

  1. 1.
    0173429 - UEM-P 20010025 RIV ES eng J - Journal Article
    Čejková, Jitka - Štípek, S. - Crkovská, J. - Ardan, Taras - Midelfart, A.
    Reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generating oxidases in the normal rabbit cornea and their involvement in the corneal damage evoked by UVB rays.
    Histology and Histopathology. Roč. 16, - (2001), s. 523-533. ISSN 0213-3911. E-ISSN 1699-5848
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GV307/96/K226; GA ČR GA304/00/1635; GA MZd NG16
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
    Keywords : ROS-generating oxidases * cornea
    Subject RIV: FF - HEENT, Dentistry
    Impact factor: 1.859, year: 2001

    In comparison to the normal cornea, where fo ROS-generating oxidases only xanthine oxidase showed significant activity in the corneal epihelium and endothelium, D-amino acid oxidase was very low and α-hydroxy acid oxidase could not be detected at all, in the cornea repeatedly irraddiated with UVB rays, increased activities of xanthine oxidase and D-amino acid oxidase were observed in all corneal layers. reactive oxygen species-generating oxidases (xanthine oxidase, D-amino acid oxidase) contribute to the corneal damage evoked by UVB rays.
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Number of the records: 1  

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