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The Archeology of Memory. Recollections of the Past and the Czech Avant-Garde

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    SYSNO ASEP0168544
    Document TypeC - Proceedings Paper (int. conf.)
    R&D Document TypeConference Paper
    TitleThe Archeology of Memory. Recollections of the Past and the Czech Avant-Garde
    Author(s) Lahoda, Vojtěch (UDU-I) RID
    Source TitleModernity and Identity: Art in 1918 - 1940 / Mulevičiute J.. - Vilnius : Institute of Culture and Art, 2000 - ISBN 9986-571-52-9
    Pagess. 184-194
    Number of pages11 s.
    ActionModernity and Identity: Art in 1918 - 1940
    Event date22.10.1998-23.10.1998
    VEvent locationKaunas
    CountryLT - Lithuania
    Languageeng - English
    CountryLT - Lithuania
    Subject RIVAL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage
    CEZAV0Z8033913 - UDU-I
    AnnotationThe relationship of the Czech avant-garde especially in the 1920s (F. Muzika) and the 1930s to the past, a reflection of the terms of "memory" and "souvenir" in the picture-poems of the Devětsil group (K. Teige, J. Štyrský), the category of memory and evocation of history in the work of Zdenek Rykr (the Orient and Elegies cycles).
    WorkplaceInstitute of Art History
    ContactVeronika Jungmannová,, Tel.: 221 183 506 ; Markéta Kratochvílová,, Tel.: 220 303 939
    Year of Publishing2002

Number of the records: 1  

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