Number of the records: 1
A multiple microflame quartz tube: On the way to ultimate hydride atomizer for atomic absorption spectrometry
- 1.0162239 - UIACH-O 200061 RIV SK eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Matoušek, Tomáš - Dědina, Jiří - Selecká, Anna
A multiple microflame quartz tube: On the way to ultimate hydride atomizer for atomic absorption spectrometry.
Contemporary state, development and applications of spectroscopic methods. Prooceedigs of 4th European Furnace Symposium and XV. Slovak Spectroscopic Conference. Košice: VIENELA, 2000, s. 55-58. ISBN 80-88922-28-3.
[European Furnace Symposium /4./ and Slovak Spectroscopic Conference /15./. Podbanské (SK), 12.06.2000-16.06.2000]
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA203/98/0754
Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation
A novel quartz tube hydride atomizer for AAS is presented: multiple microflame quartz tube atomizer (MM QTA). The adverse processes within the tube are minimized. The design allows to keep all the conventional equipment. A comparison of figures of merit of MM QTA with a commercial QTA are presented for As and Se. The most important features of MM QTA are improved linear range, superior sensitivity and one to two orders of magnitude better resistance towards atomization interferences.
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Number of the records: 1