Number of the records: 1
Synthesis and powder data for ./:.Mn (H2O).:/. 0.25 (VO) 0.75PO4.2H2O
- 1.0161111 - SLCHPL-S 930001 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
Beneš, Ludvík - Richtrová, K. - Votinský, J. - Kalousová, J. - Zima, Vítězslav
Synthesis and powder data for ./:.Mn (H2O).:/. 0.25 (VO) 0.75PO4.2H2O.
Powder Diffraction. č. 8 (1993), s. 130-131. ISSN 0885-7156. E-ISSN 1945-7413
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Number of the records: 1