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Central Europe in Transformation: Towards EU Membership

  1. 1.
    0160245 - SOU-Z 20013090 RIV PL eng B - Monography
    Illner, Michal - Gorzelak, G. - Éhrlich, E. - Falťan, B.
    Central Europe in Transformation: Towards EU Membership.
    Varšava: Scholar Publishing House, 2001. 371 s. ISBN 83-88495-56-9
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR KSK9058117
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z7028912
    Keywords : post-communist transformation * central Europe * scenario of development
    Subject RIV: AO - Sociology, Demography

    Political, economic, social and regional development in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia in the second half of the 90s is characterized and compared with a scenario suggested by the authors in 1993. The differences are assessed. Future development in the above fields with respect to the coming EU accession of the participating countries is outlined.
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