Number of the records: 1
Social and Political Effectiveness of Communal Self-Government in the Czech Republic in the Light of Sociological Research
- 1.0159610 - SOU-Z 960189 RIV CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Illner, Michal
Social and Political Effectiveness of Communal Self-Government in the Czech Republic in the Light of Sociological Research.
The State, Problems and Outlines of Public Administration in the Czech Republic. Praha: Úřad pro legislativu a veřejnou správu České republiky, 1996 - (Vidláková, O.; Grospič, J.), s. 81-94
[State, Problems and Outlines of Public Administration in the Czech Republic. Štiřín (CZ), 20.02.1996-21.02.1996]
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Number of the records: 1