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The Five-Factor Personality Inventory: Cross-Cultural Generalizability across 13 Countries

  1. 1.
    0158379 - PSU-E 20035010 RIV BE eng J - Journal Article
    Hřebíčková, Martina - Hendriks, A. A. J. - Perugini, M. - Angleitner, A. - Ostendorf, F. - Johnson, J. A. - De Fruyt, F. - Kreitler, S. - Murakami, T. - Bratko, D. - Conner, M. - Nagy, J. - Rodríges-Fornells, A. - Ruisel, I.
    The Five-Factor Personality Inventory: Cross-Cultural Generalizability across 13 Countries.
    European Journal of Personality. Roč. 17, č. 5 (2003), s. 347-374. ISSN 0890-2070. E-ISSN 1099-0984
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA406/99/1155; GA ČR GA406/01/1507
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z7025918
    Keywords : five-factor model * Personality Inventory
    Subject RIV: AN - Psychology
    Impact factor: 1.343, year: 2003

    In the present study we investigated the structural invariance of the Five-factor Personality Inventory (FFPI) across a variety of cultures. Self-report data sets from ten European and three non-European countries were available, representing The Germanic (Belgium, England, Germany, the Netherlands, USA), Romance (Italy, Spain), and Slavic branches (Croatia, Czech Rep., Slovakia) of the Indo-European languages, as wel as the Semito-Hamitic (Israel) and Altaic (Hungary, Japan) language families. Each data set was subjected to principal component analysis, followed by varimax rotation and orthogonal Procrustes rotation to optimal agreement with (i) the Dutch normative structure and (ii) an American large-sample structure. Three criteria (scree test, internal consistency reliabilities of the varimax-rotated components, and parallel analysis) were used to establish the number of factors to be retained for rotation.
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Number of the records: 1  

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