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Host specificity and geographical distribution of Eubothrium in European salmonid fish

  1. 1.
    0157650 - PAU-O 20033037 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
    Scholz, Tomáš - Kuchta, Roman - Shinn, A. P. - Šnábel, V. - Hanzelová, V.
    Host specificity and geographical distribution of Eubothrium in European salmonid fish.
    Journal of Helminthology. Roč. 77, č. 3 (2003), s. 255-262. ISSN 0022-149X. E-ISSN 1475-2697
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA524/01/1314
    Grant - others:Vedecká grantová agentúra MŠ SR a SAV(SK) VEGA2/1020/21
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z6022909
    Keywords : Cestoda * Pseudophyllidea * fish parasites
    Subject RIV: GJ - Animal Vermins ; Diseases, Veterinary Medicine
    Impact factor: 0.939, year: 2003

    The host specificity and distribution of Eubothrium crassum (Bloch, 1779) and E. salvelini (Schrank, 1790), pseudophyllidean tapeworms parasitizing salmonid fish, were critically assessed on the basis of morphological and genetic evaluation of extensive material collected from different definitive hosts and geographical regions in Europe. Eubothrium crassum occurs in fish of the genera Salmo, i.e. salmon (S. salar ů both freshwater and marine), sea trout (S. trutta trutta), brown trout (S. trutta fario), and lake trout (S. trutta lacustris), and also in Danubian salmon (Hucho hucho) and vendace (Coregonus albula). Eubothrium salvelini parasitizes Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Europe, and also whitefish (Coregonus wartmanni). Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), which is not a native European fish species, was found to be a suitable definitive host for both Eubothrium species, which may occur simultaneously in the same fish.
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Number of the records: 1  

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