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Worker and job reallocation during the transition to a market economy: evidence from the Czech Republic

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    SYSNO ASEP0156048
    Document TypeV - Research Report
    R&D Document TypeV - Research Report
    TitleWorker and job reallocation during the transition to a market economy: evidence from the Czech Republic
    Author(s) Ham, J. (XX)
    Jurajda, Štěpán (NHU-N) RID, ORCID
    Terrell, K. (XX)
    Issue dataWashington, D.C.: NCEEER, 2000
    SeriesNCEEER working paper.
    Number of pages39 s.
    Publication formWWW - WWW
    Languageeng - English
    CountryUS - United States
    KeywordsCzech Republic ; labor market ; transition
    Subject RIVAH - Economics
    CEZAV0Z7085904 - NHU-N
    AnnotationIn this paper we seek to contribute to the debate about gradual vs. rapid economic reform in transition economics by shedding light on the pace and determinants of worker and job realocation in the early years of transition in the Czech Republic.
    WorkplaceEconomics Institute
    ContactTomáš Pavela,, Tel.: 224 005 122
    Year of Publishing2004

Number of the records: 1  

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