Number of the records: 1  

Policy uncertainty and long-run investment and output across countries

  1. 1.
    0155992 - NHU-N 20020247 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
    Jeong, Byeongju
    Policy uncertainty and long-run investment and output across countries.
    International Economic Review. Roč. 43, č. 2 (2002), s. 363-392. ISSN 0020-6598. E-ISSN 1468-2354
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR KSK9058117
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z7085904
    Keywords : investment * capital * income
    Subject RIV: AH - Economics
    Impact factor: 0.563, year: 2002
    Result website:

    I present a model economy where policy uncertainty creates short-term bias in investment and leads to a higher capital price and lower long-run investment adn output.
    Permanent Link:


Number of the records: 1  

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