Number of the records: 1
Market structure, liquidity, and information based trading at the Prague stock exchange
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SYSNO ASEP 0155799 Document Type V - Research Report R&D Document Type V - Research Report Title Market structure, liquidity, and information based trading at the Prague stock exchange Author(s) Němeček, Libor (NHU-N)
Hanousek, Jan (NHU-N) RIDIssue data Praha: CERGE-EI, 2001 Series CERGE-EI discussion paper series. Series number 66 Number of pages 35 s. Language eng - English Country CZ - Czech Republic Keywords market microstructure ; Prague Stock Exchange Subject RIV AH - Economics CEZ AV0Z7085904 - NHU-N Annotation This paper investigates the relation between liquidity and information based trading and the possible impact of market microstructure changes on this relationship. Workplace Economics Institute Contact Tomáš Pavela,, Tel.: 224 005 122 Year of Publishing 2002
Number of the records: 1