Number of the records: 1  

Fossil assemblages from the Middle Ordovician Šárka Fromation at Praha - Červený vrch Hill (Prague Basin, Barrandian area)

  1. 1.
    SYSNO ASEP0145710
    Document TypeJ - Journal Article
    R&D Document TypeJournal Article
    Subsidiary JČlánek ve SCOPUS
    TitleFossil assemblages from the Middle Ordovician Šárka Fromation at Praha - Červený vrch Hill (Prague Basin, Barrandian area)
    Author(s) Kraft, P. (CZ)
    Budil, P. (CZ)
    Chlupáč, I. (CZ)
    Fatka, O. (CZ)
    Kraft, J. (CZ)
    Mikuláš, Radek (GLU-S) RID, SAI
    Mergl, M. (CZ)
    Bruthansová, J. (CZ)
    Source TitleBulletin of Geosciences. - : Česká geografická společnost - ISSN 1214-1119
    Roč. 78, č. 2 (2003), s. 99-101
    Number of pages3 s.
    Languageeng - English
    CountryCZ - Czech Republic
    Keywordstrace fossils ; Šárka Formation ; Ordovician
    Subject RIVDB - Geology ; Mineralogy
    CEZAV0Z3013912 - GLU-S
    EID SCOPUS0347812933
    AnnotationThe most important aspects of fossil assemblages from measured section at Praha - Červený vrch Hill are summarized, including commenst on their composition and taphonomy. List of all discovered taxa is presented.
    WorkplaceInstitute of Geology
    ContactJana Popelková,, Tel.: 226 800 273
    Year of Publishing2004

Number of the records: 1  

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