Number of the records: 1
Foreing exploration for natural enemies of Russian wheat aphid in Southern Xinjiang, Peoples Republic of China
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SYSNO 0134840 Title Foreing exploration for natural enemies of Russian wheat aphid in Southern Xinjiang, Peoples Republic of China Author(s) González, D. (CA)
Gilstrap, F. (US)
Zhang, W. (CN)
McKinnon, L. (US)
Woolley, J. (US)
Starý, Petr (ENTU-I)
Waggoner, M. (CA)
Zhang, G. (CN)Source Title Proceedings of the 6th russian wheat aphid workshop. s. 208-222. - Fort Collins, 1994 Conference Russia wheat aphid /6./, Fort Collins, 00.00.1994 Document Type Konferenční příspěvek (zahraniční konf.) Language eng Country US Permanent Link
Number of the records: 1