Number of the records: 1
Ablation of organic polymers and elemental solids induced by intense XUV radiation
- 1.0134329 - FZU-D 20030226 RIV US eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Juha, Libor - Präg R., Ansgar - Krása, Josef - Cejnarová, Andrea - Králiková, Božena - Skála, Jiří - Chvostová, Dagmar - Vorlíček, Vladimír - Andrejczuk, A. - Jurek, M. - Klinger, D. - Sobierajski, R. - Fiedorowicz, H. - Bartnik, A. - Pína, L. - Kravárik, J. - Kubeš, P. - Bakshaev, Y. L. - Chernenko, A. S. - Korolev, V. D. - Ivanov, M. I. - Scholz, M. - Ryc, L. - Tomaszewski, K. - Viskup, R. - Boody, F. P.
Ablation of organic polymers and elemental solids induced by intense XUV radiation.
X-Ray Lasers 2002:International Conference on X-Ray Lasers /8./. Melville: AIP, 2002 - (Rocca, J.), s. 504-509. ISBN 0-7354-0096-2.
[International Conference on X-Ray Lasers /8./. Aspen (US), 27.05.2002-31.05.2002]
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT LA 055; GA MŠMT LN00A100
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010921
Keywords : ablation * XUV radiation
Subject RIV: BH - Optics, Masers, Lasers
The ablation efficiency of organic polymers by single pulses of extreme ultraviolet radiation emitted from Z-pinch, plasma-focus, and laser-produced plasmas was investigated. The ablation characteristica measured for these plasma-based sources will be compared with those obtaines for irradiation of samples with XUV radiation generated by a free-electron laser.
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Number of the records: 1