Number of the records: 1  

Phase transitions in ternary caesium lead bromide

  1. 1.
    0134235 - FZU-D 20030128 RIV HU eng J - Journal Article
    Rodová, Miroslava - Brožek, J. - Knížek, Karel - Nitsch, Karel
    Phase transitions in ternary caesium lead bromide.
    Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. Roč. 71, - (2003), s. 667-673. ISSN 1388-6150. E-ISSN 1588-2926
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA2010926; GA ČR GA203/02/0436
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914
    Keywords : DSC * high temperature X-ray diffraction * phase transitions * CsPbBr3 * thermal expansion coefficient * TMA
    Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism
    Impact factor: 1.094, year: 2003
    Permanent Link:

Number of the records: 1  

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