Number of the records: 1
Chemical generation of atomic iodine for COIL
- 1.0134035 - FZU-D 20020323 RIV US eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Špalek, Otomar - Jirásek, Vít - Kodymová, Jarmila - Čenský, Miroslav - Jakubec, Ivo
Chemical generation of atomic iodine for COIL.
0-8194-4370-0. In: Gas and Chemical Lasers and Intense Beam Applications III. Bellingham: Society of PhotoOptical Instrumentation Engineering, 2002 - (Davis, A.; Heaven, M.), s. 34-42. Proceedings of SPIE., 4631. ISSN 0277-786X.
[Gas and Chemical Lasers and Intense Beam Applications /3./. San Jose (US), 22.01.2002-24.01.2002]
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA203/01/0778
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010921
Keywords : atomic iodine * atomic chlorine * chemical oxygen-iodine laser * COIL
Subject RIV: BH - Optics, Masers, Lasers
A method of the chemical production of atomic iodine aimed for application in COIL was studied experimentally. The method is based on chemical generation of chlorine atoms and their subsequent reaction with hydrogen iodide. Effects of initial ration of reactants and the way of their mixing were investigated and interpreted the yield of iodine atoms, related to HI, attained 70-100%.
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Number of the records: 1