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Statistical properties of a speckle pattern

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    SYSNO ASEP0134034
    Document TypeC - Proceedings Paper (int. conf.)
    R&D Document TypeConference Paper
    TitleStatistical properties of a speckle pattern
    Author(s) Horváth, Pavel (FZU-D) RID, ORCID
    Hrabovský, Miroslav (FZU-D) RID, ORCID
    Bača, Zdeněk (FZU-D)
    Source TitleClassical and Quantum Interference. - Bellingham : Society of PhotoOptical Instrumentation Engineering, 2002 / Peřina J. ; Hrabovský M. ; Křepelka J.
    Pagess. 99-108
    Number of pages10 s.
    ActionFirst International Workshop on Classical and Quantum Interference
    Event date25.10.2001-26.10.2001
    VEvent locationOlomouc
    CountryCZ - Czech Republic
    Event typeEUR
    Languageeng - English
    CountryUS - United States
    Keywordsspeckle ; first-order statistics ; coherent background
    Subject RIVBH - Optics, Masers, Lasers
    R&D ProjectsLN00A015 GA MŠMT - Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS)
    CEZAV0Z1010921 - FZU-D
    AnnotationThis overwiew paper deals with the statistical properties of a speckle pattern. After the introduction, in which the speckle and its origin is shortly described, the first-order statistics of a polarized speckle pattern are derived.Further, a special case of the sum of a speckle pattern and a coherent background is briefly mentioned.
    WorkplaceInstitute of Physics
    ContactKristina Potocká,, Tel.: 220 318 579
    Year of Publishing2003

Number of the records: 1  

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