Number of the records: 1  

Slip propagation across a twin boundary - in situ TEM

  1. 1.
    0133938 - FZU-D 20020224 RIV ZA eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Gemperlová, Juliana - Jacques, A. - Gemperle, Antonín - Zárubová, Niva
    Slip propagation across a twin boundary - in situ TEM.
    Proceedings of the ICEM. Onderstepoort: Microscopy Society of Suthern Africa, 2002 - (Engelbrecht, J.; Sewell, T.; Witcomb, M.; Cross, R.; Richards, P.), s. 661-662. ISBN 0-620-29294-6.
    [International Congress on Electron Microscopy /15./. Durban (ZA), 01.09.2002-06.09.2002]
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914
    Keywords : slip propagation across a twin boundary * interaction of slip dislocation and grain boundary * in situ TEM
    Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism

    Grain boundary processes during plastic deformation of twin bicrystals were studied by TEM. In situ straining in the electron microscope were followed by post analysis by conventional TEM.
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Number of the records: 1  

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