Number of the records: 1
Infrared picosecond absorption spectroscopy of microcrystalline silicon: separation between carrier recombination in crystalline and amorphous fractions
- 1.Kudrna, J. - Pelant, Ivan - Štěpánek, J. - Trojánek, F. - Malý, P.
Infrared picosecond absorption spectroscopy of microcrystalline silicon: separation between carrier recombination in crystalline and amorphous fractions.
Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing. Roč. 74, - (2002), s. 253-256. ISSN 0947-8396. E-ISSN 1432-0630
R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA1010809
Grant - others:GA UK(XC) 180/99
Impact factor: 2.231, year: 2002
Number of the records: 1