Number of the records: 1
Inverse itinerant electron metamagnetism in Er.sub.1-x./sub., T.sub.x./sub.Co.sub.2./sub., T=Y,Tm
- 1.0133483 - FZU-D 20010335 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
Hauser, R. - Grösinger, R. - Hilscher, G. - Arnold, Zdeněk - Kamarád, Jiří - Markosyan, A. S.
Inverse itinerant electron metamagnetism in Er1-x, TxCo2, T=Y,Tm.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 226-230, - (2001), s. 1159-1161. ISSN 0304-8853. E-ISSN 1873-4766.
[International Conference on Magnetism. Recife, 06.08.2000-11.08.2000]
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914
Keywords : itinerant electron metamagnetism * pressure * magnetoresistence
Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism
Impact factor: 1.329, year: 2001
Close to the critical concetration for a collapse of the itinerant d moment the itinerant metamagnetic behaviour of the d subsystem is studied as a function of both external magnetic field and pressure.
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Number of the records: 1