Number of the records: 1
Analysis of annealed thin polymer films prepared from dichloro(methyl)phenylsilane by plasma polymerization
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SYSNO 0133434 Title Analysis of annealed thin polymer films prepared from dichloro(methyl)phenylsilane by plasma polymerization Author(s) Cech, V. (CZ)
Horvath, P. (CZ)
Trchová, M. (CZ)
Zemek, Josef (FZU-D) RID, ORCID
Matějková, Jiřina (UPT-D)Source Title Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Roč. 82, - (2001), s. 2106-2112. - : Wiley Document Type Článek v odborném periodiku Grant GV106/98/K013 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) GA104/00/0708 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) CEZ AV0Z1010914 - FZU-D Language eng Country US Keywords plasma polymerization * thin films * thermogravimetric analysis (TSA) * FTIR * ESCA/XPS Permanent Link
Number of the records: 1