Number of the records: 1
Analysis of annealed thin polymer films prepared from dichloro(methyl)phenylsilane by plasma polymerization
- 1.Cech, V. - Horvath, P. - Trchová, M. - Zemek, Josef - Matějková, Jiřina
Analysis of annealed thin polymer films prepared from dichloro(methyl)phenylsilane by plasma polymerization.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Roč. 82, - (2001), s. 2106-2112. ISSN 0021-8995. E-ISSN 1097-4628
R&D Projects: GA ČR GV106/98/K013; GA ČR GA104/00/0708
Impact factor: 0.992, year: 2001
Number of the records: 1