Number of the records: 1
Characteristics and the nature of the low-frequency dielectric response in moderately concetrated KTaO.sub.3./sub.:Li
- 1.Prosandeev, S. A. - Trepakov, V. A. - Savinov, Maxim - Jastrabík, Lubomír - Kapphan, S. E.
Characteristics and the nature of the low-frequency dielectric response in moderately concetrated KTaO3:Li.
Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter. Roč. 13, - (2001), s. 9749-9760. ISSN 0953-8984. E-ISSN 1361-648X
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA202/00/1425; GA MŠMT ME 305
Impact factor: 1.611, year: 2001
Number of the records: 1