Number of the records: 1
Sub-poissonian statistics of highly correlated squeezed parametric systems
- 1.0133256 - FZU-D 20010049 RIV US eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Abdalla, M. S. - El-Orany, F. A. A. - Peřina st., Jan
Sub-poissonian statistics of highly correlated squeezed parametric systems.
Proceeding of the International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations. Maryland: NASA, 2000, s. 23-26.
[International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations /6./. Neapol (IT), 24.05.1999-29.05.1999]
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT LN00A015
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010921
Subject RIV: BH - Optics, Masers, Lasers
We introduce a new squeeze operator, which is related to the time-dependent evolution operator for Hamiltonian representing mutual interaction between three different modes.
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Number of the records: 1