Number of the records: 1
Depth inhomogenity of deposited thin films: Applications to semi-insulating polycrystalline silicon films
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SYSNO ASEP 0131738 Document Type J - Journal Article R&D Document Type Journal Article Subsidiary J Ostatní články Title Depth inhomogenity of deposited thin films: Applications to semi-insulating polycrystalline silicon films Author(s) Kučírková, A. (CZ)
Navrátil, K. (CZ)
Zemek, Josef (FZU-D) RID, ORCIDSource Title Thin Solid Films. - : Elsevier - ISSN 0040-6090
Roč. 323, - (1998), s. 53-58Number of pages 6 s. Language eng - English Country NL - Netherlands Subject RIV BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism R&D Projects IAA1010609 GA AV ČR - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AV ČR) Workplace Institute of Physics Contact Kristina Potocká,, Tel.: 220 318 579 Year of Publishing 1999
Number of the records: 1