Number of the records: 1
Analysis of persistent photoconductivity in sulphur doped GaSb
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SYSNO ASEP 0131186 Document Type J - Journal Article R&D Document Type Journal Article Subsidiary J Ostatní články Title Analysis of persistent photoconductivity in sulphur doped GaSb Author(s) Baraldi, A. (IT)
Ghezzi, C. (IT)
Parisini, A. (IT)
Hubík, Pavel (FZU-D) RID, ORCID
Mareš, Jiří J. (FZU-D) RID, ORCID
Krištofik, Jozef (FZU-D) RIDSource Title Vuoto scienza e technologia
Roč. 24, č. 4 (1995), s. 23-26Language eng - English Country IT - Italy Workplace Institute of Physics Contact Kristina Potocká,, Tel.: 220 318 579 Year of Publishing 1998
Number of the records: 1