Number of the records: 1  

Measurement of linear polarization in the H alpha line in solar flares

  1. 1.
    SYSNO ASEP0125255
    Document TypeJ - Journal Article
    R&D Document TypeJournal Article
    Subsidiary JOstatní články
    TitleMeasurement of linear polarization in the H alpha line in solar flares
    Author(s) Kotrč, Pavel (ASU-R) RID, ORCID
    Source TitleAstronomische Nachrichten. - : Wiley - ISSN 0004-6337
    Roč. 324, č. 4 (2003), s. 324-326
    Number of pages3 s.
    Languageeng - English
    CountryDE - Germany
    Keywordssun ; flares ; linear polarization
    Subject RIVBN - Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, Astrophysics
    R&D ProjectsGA205/00/1726 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF)
    KSK2043105 GA AV ČR - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AV ČR)
    CEZAV0Z1003909 - ASU-R
    AnnotationThe paper describes the multichannel flare spectrograph built in Ondřejov observatory - the optical system, the detectors, the method used for data recording and reduction. There are also briefly discussed the first results in the article.
    WorkplaceAstronomical Institute
    ContactAnežka Melichárková,, Tel.: 323 620 326
    Year of Publishing2004

Number of the records: 1  

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