Number of the records: 1  

Software features for the orbital dynamics of the Mimosa satellite

  1. 1.
    0124686 - ASU-R 20000142 RIV FR eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Sehnal, Ladislav - Peřestý, Radek - Pospíšilová, Libuše - Dostál, Pavel
    Software features for the orbital dynamics of the Mimosa satellite.
    51st International astronautical congress. Paris: International astronautical federation, 2000, s. 1-7.
    [International astronautical congress /51./. Rio de Janeiro (BR), 02.10.2000-06.10.2000]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GV205/96/K119
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1003909
    Subject RIV: BN - Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, Astrophysics

    Software for the reduction and analysis of the data from MIMOSA project has beeen tested using the French CACTUS measurements. The CD coefficients is determined from the theoretical considerations.
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Number of the records: 1  

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