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Ĺ Or des princes barbares du Caucase á la Gaule Ve siécle aprés J.-C

  1. 1.
    0122200 - ARUB-Q 20000027 RIV FR fre M - Monography Chapter
    Tejral, Jaroslav
    Les tombes avec des armes sur la frontiére nord-est de ĺ Empire romain.
    [The Weapon-Graves on the North-East Sector of the Roman Frontier.]
    Ĺ Or des princes barbares du Caucase á la Gaule Ve siécle aprés J.-C. Paris: Musée des Antiquités nationales, 2000, s. 77-79. ISBN 2-7118-3660-6
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z8001916
    Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

    Les armes des tombes á inhumation franques, burgondes etalamaniques abritaient des membres de lűaristocratie germanique, qui pouvaient etre également de lignée princiére, et qui réunissaient en un seule personne les fonctionsdűofficiér romain et de chef de tribu barbare.

    The paper deals with the beginnings of inhumation graves of the higher social stratum, equipped by arms,particularly double swords, so-called spathae. Whereasin west Europe, in the region of the Frankish Empire,this habit comes from the environment of Romen foederates, in the region of middle Danubian region its spread was fostered by ridernomad streams that affected theBarbarian nobility, subordinated to Attilaűs Hunnic centre in the process of formation of the Hunnic tribe union.
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Number of the records: 1  

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