Number of the records: 1
Applications of composites based on glass fibers in human biomechanics
- 1.0106068 - USMH-B 20040081 RIV CZ eng K - Conference Paper (Czech conference)
Balík, Karel - Sochor, M. - Sedláček, R. - Suchý, Tomáš - Černý, Martin - Hulejová, H. - Pešáková, V.
Applications of composites based on glass fibers in human biomechanics.
[Aplikace kompozitů na bázi skleněných vláken v lidské biomechanice.]
Proceedings of WAM 2004. Praha: ČVUT, 2004 - (Daniel, M.), s. 310-313
[WAM 2004. Praha (CZ), 10.06.2004]
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA106/03/1167; GA AV ČR KSK4055109
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z3046908
Keywords : glass-polymer composites * bio-properties * mechanical
Subject RIV: JI - Composite Materials
Mechanical properties and compatibility of composites based on glass and polysiloxane as a biomaterial.
Mechanické vlastnosti a kompatibilita kompozitů na bázi skla a polysiloxanu jako biomateriálů.
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Number of the records: 1