Number of the records: 1
Ionomers based on copolymers of alkyl methacrylates with 2-methacryloylamino-3-naphthalene carboxylic-acid: Association in solutions studied by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence
- 1.0105812 - UMCH-V 20043383 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
Výprachtický, Drahomír - Cimrová, Věra - Yang, Y. - Mikeš, F.
Ionomers based on copolymers of alkyl methacrylates with 2-methacryloylamino-3-naphthalene carboxylic-acid: Association in solutions studied by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence.
[Ionomery kopolymerů alkylmethakrylátů s kyselinou 2-methakryloylamino-3-naftalenkarboxylovou: Asociace v roztocích studovaná pomocí stacionární a časově rozlišené fluorescence.]
Journal of Polymer Science. Part B, Polymer Physics. Roč. 42, č. 7 (2004), s. 1243-1254. ISSN 0887-6266. E-ISSN 1099-0488
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA203/01/0512
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4050913
Keywords : association in solutions * fluorescence * ionomers * poly(alkyl methacrylate)s
Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry
Impact factor: 1.391, year: 2004
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Number of the records: 1