Number of the records: 1
Investigation on possibility of neutron electric optical devices based on piezoelectric single crystals
- 1.0105592 - UJF-V 20043141 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
Kaneko, JH. - Otake, Y. - Fujimoto, H. - Kawamura, S. - Watanabe, M. - Fujita, F. - Sawamura, T. - Mikula, Pavol - Furusaka, M.
Investigation on possibility of neutron electric optical devices based on piezoelectric single crystals.
[Studium možnosti použití noutronooptických elementů na bázi piezoelektrických monokrystalů.]
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A. Roč. 529, č. 1 (2004), s. 166-168. ISSN 0168-9002. E-ISSN 1872-9576
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
Keywords : cold neutrons * optical device * piezoelectric single crystal
Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism
Impact factor: 1.349, year: 2004
A principle verification experiment of neutron electric optical devices using piezoelectric single crystals was carried out. This neutron electric optical device can change its d-spacing by applying an electric field to the crystal, which results in change of the Bragg diffraction angle. Although an alpha-quartz has a small piezoelectric strain constant, an alpha-quartz was used in this experiment because characteristics of alpha-quartz are well known and it is easy to obtain high quality and large size single crystals. At first, macroscopic distortion and change of thickness caused by an applied electric field were observed by using laser interferometers. Thus, double crystal diffraction measurement using 4.7 Angstrom cold neutrons was carried out. For these experiments, DC bias voltage was applied to the crystal. As a result, peaks of rocking curves were shifted 14s at 500 V and 2 min at 1000 V from their original positions. These values were approximately one figure larger than the theoretical values; therefore, these results were influenced by macroscopic bending of the crystal. From these results, it can be concluded that the possibility of neutron electric optical devices using not only change of d-spacing but also macroscopic bending of piezoelectric crystal was confirmed.
Byly provedeny testovací experimenty s elektricky ovladatelnými neutronooptickými prvky na bázi piezoelektrických krystalů. Přiložením elektrického napětí lze u piezoelektrických krystalů dosáhnout změny mřížkové konstanty a tím také Braggova úhlu v difrakčním experimentu. Experimenty byly provedeny na křemenných monokrystalech. Pomocí vysokého rozlišení dvoukrystalového uspořádání bylo možné pozorovat změnu polohy difrakčních maxím po přiložení napětí 500 V a 1000 V na vzorek monokrystalu křemene. Kromě změny mřížkové konstanty byl také pozorován makroskopický ohyb piezoelektrického krystalu.
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Number of the records: 1