Number of the records: 1
Transmembrane adaptor proteins: organizers of immunoreceptor signalling
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SYSNO ASEP 0105348 Document Type J - Journal Article R&D Document Type Journal Article Subsidiary J Ostatní články Title Transmembrane adaptor proteins: organizers of immunoreceptor signalling Title Transmembránové adaptorové proteiny: organizátory imunoreceptorové signalizace Author(s) Hořejší, Václav (UMG-J) RID
Zhang, W. (US)
Schraven, B. (DE)Source Title Nature Reviews Immunology - ISSN 1474-1733
Roč. 4, č. 8 (2004), s. 603-616Number of pages 13 s. Language eng - English Country US - United States Keywords immunoreceptor ; signalling Subject RIV EC - Immunology R&D Projects LN00A026 GA MŠMT - Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) CEZ AV0Z5052915 - UMG-J Annotation Signalling through multichain immunoreceptors is required for the development, activation and differentiation of haematopoietic cells. One of the most challenging questions with regard to these processes is how immunoreceptor-mediated signals are converted into appropriate cellular responses. The recent identification of a novel group of signalling molecules, known as transmembrane adaptor proteins, has led to exciting new insights. The transmembrane adaptor proteins LAT, NTAL, PAG, LIME, TRIM, SIT and LAX organize complex membrane-proximal signalling assemblies and are therefore key mediators of immunoreceptor-mediated signalling. As we discuss here, their identification has greatly facilitated our understanding of how immunoreceptors are connected to intracellular signalling cascades Workplace Institute of Molecular Genetics Contact Nikol Škňouřilová,, Tel.: 241 063 217 Year of Publishing 2005
Number of the records: 1