Number of the records: 1
Bubble Formation: High-Speed Images and Acoustic Signals
- 1.0104984 - UCHP-M 20040238 RIV IT eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Bunganič, Radovan - Růžička, Marek - Drahoš, Jiří
Bubble Formation: High-Speed Images and Acoustic Signals.
[Tvorba bublin: rychlá vizualizace a akustické signály.]
Final Program. 2004, s. 1-3.
[International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation /3./. Pisa (IT), 22.09.2004-25.09.2004]
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA104/04/0827
Grant - others:BEMUSAC(XE) G1MA/CT/2002/01019
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4072921
Keywords : bubble formation * acoustic signal
Subject RIV: CI - Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Engineering
Bubble formation process was studied experimentally, both at single and multiple orifices. The pressure fluctuations were measured by pressure transducers while the acoustic emissions were monitored using a hydrophone. The bubble growth and detachment was recorded with a high-speed camera. The pressure and visual information were obtained simultaneously, which enabled us to interpret the pressure signal patterns in terms of process occuring during the bubble formation. Consequently, a more detailed insight the complexity of bubble formation was acquired.
Tvorba bublin byla studována experimentálně, jak v případě jednoho otvoru, tak i s více otvory. Tlakové fluktuace byly snímány tlakovými senzory, akustické emise byly monitorovány pomocí hydrofonu. Růst a odtržení bubliny byly snímány rychloběžnou kamerou. Tlakové a vizuální informace byly získány simultánně, což umožnilo interpretaci charakteru signálu v termínech fyzikálních procesů probíhajících při tvorbě bubliny. Tím jsme získali podrobné informace o procesu tvorby.
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Number of the records: 1